The leather used for our bags and accessories is a by-product of the meat industry. It would be a huge shame to let such a durable and long lasting material go to waste.

We choose to use animal leather instead of vegan alternatives, because we believe natural leather is still the most durable solution out there. We want to offer you an item that you can love and cherish forever, if you care for it properly, that is. Our bags will travel with you from one adventure to the next. We are, however, actively on the lookout and experimenting with alternative materials.
Want to know more about the materials we use?
Find out about different types of leather and check our care & repair page on how to give your bag the right TLC.

Smooth leather

Leather that has a smooth surface and a matte finish.
This type of leather is more sensitive to scratches, but has such a beautiful and modern feel.

Grained leather

Grained leather has a texture to it. It’s similar to skin texture and less sensitive to scratches and stains. This type of leather has a more ‘classic’ appearance.

Printed leather

Our “exotic” leathers are actually printed leathers. An embossing or laser technique is used to print a specific pattern on the animal hide. We do not use real snake skin or croco leather, don’t you worry.

Metallic leather

This is actually smooth leather with a metallic finish.


Suede is a type of leather made from the underside of animal skin that has a soft surface and a napped finish.

Patent or laqué leather

Laqué leather is leather coated with varnish and has a very distinguished high-gloss shiny look.

Calf hair

We use calf hair for our furry leather bags. It doesn’t need any special care and it’s super soft.


The lining of our bags is made of 100% cotton.